Dissolution dans la Seine (après Lea Lublin)
Fabric with text and collective action. 22nd October, 2022, at Pont Saint Louis, Paris.
Fabric with text and collective action. 22nd October, 2022, at Pont Saint Louis, Paris.
Video for the exhibition and conference “Experiential translation”, curated by Ricarda Vidal and Madeleine Campbell, 2022.
Oil lamps and performative lecture, presented on the 26th March 2022 for Cal Cego, Col·lecció d’Art Contemporani.
Walk and performative lecture, presented at Festival Errant 2022, Fortí de Gósol.
Instal·lació amb planxes de coure, presentada a Ca l’Arenas, Museu de Mataró. 2022
Video produced for the exhibition “Cap a les deus. Una gramàtica fluvial” (Bòlit Centre d’Art Contemporani de Girona), 2021.
Installation presented at “Como la vida misma” (Blueproject Foundation, Barcelona), 2021.
Happening, in Bregenz.
Actions for Pradiauto, Madrid.
Action at Festival Poesia i +, Caldes d’Estrac.