A germ recalls its past lives


Considering the possibility that a germ could be talking about its past lives through the text “Inteligencias extraterrestres y demiurgos, bacterias y dinosaurios”, by Octavio Paz, I tried to find answers to all the questions that the following people wrote for the germ:
Gerard Llimona, Margot Cuevas, Erol Serrano, Eva Marichalar, Jordi Mitjà, Jordi Miquel Riera, Oscar Holloway, Ricardo Cardenas, Imma Tortajada, Carla Camprubí, Roger Aymerich, Judith (@flortropikana), 112.lab, Laura García Mas, Blai Marginedas, Tiago de Abreu Pinto, Ibana i Marc (@viatgesambcartabo), Marcus Drew.

This interview had to be a performance that would have taken place in Can Felipa Arts Visuals, on the 17th March, 2020, within the group show “Nadie sabe que los gérmenes acaban de llegar”, curated by Allelón. Because of the arrival  of the virus Covid-19 and the confinement of the human population that started on the 13th March, the performance was celebrated on the 31st March 2020 via Can Felipa’s Instagram account (@canfelipa.artsvisuals).

You can read it here. [in Catalan and Spanish]

My infinite thanks to: the Germ, Octavio Paz, Allelón (María Lucía Marcote García i Adriana A. Leanza), Clàudia Elies, and all the human beings that wrote questions for the Germ.