I felt like I had myself walked into a visualization

Curated by Francesco Giaveri.
Commissioned by ADN Gallery.
This project was exhibited at ADN Platform, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Spain)

The story of a moment when all human beings could understand each other and they even agreed to build a tower that could reach the sky is told in the Bible. When God knew that, he punished all them for their insolence. Since then, the ghost of language is in their voices. Since then, we don’t understand each other.

In 1952 linguist Erwin Reifler, one of the machine translation’s pioneers, pronounced the slogan: “Give us graphio-semantically completely explicit texts, and the engineers will do the rest”. The race for machine translated began with energy in many universities. The dream of universal understanding, frustrated after the fall of the Babel Tower, was recovered, as if the building of a new tower was possible.

We haven’t found two equal representations of the Tower of Babel yet. Nobody has represented it as a finished, definitive tower. In the book Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore Italo Calvino descrived a feeling he had. He felt that nowadays, in the world, exist only “storie che restano in sospeso e si perdono per strada”.

My infinite thanks: Francesco Giaveri, Miguel Ángel Sánchez, Jordi Vernis, Cristina Centelles, Jaume Mercader, Daniel Sors, Joan Casals (Aprentik), Joan Dot, Pablo Santa Olalla, Xavi Rodríguez Martín, Franz (Bla Bla Car driver from Kassel to Hannover, passing a bus at 220km/h while playing Weval’s Half Age), Elisenda Soler i Marina Mascarella (Escola d’Arts Plàstiques de Torelló), Júlia Torrentallé, Octavi Rofes, Laia Costa, Cristina Tañà, Eva Marichalar.