The Night
Fabric and light installation.
Presented at the “Nocturn de l’aigua” exhibition, at Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 – Jan. 24)
One day I felt that the night was a blanket. I looked at it and it was a map. I tried to read it and it was a story. Alicia then told me that the stars are holes in the afterlife. Its light comes from far away.
“The night” is an installation of fabric and light that keeps us in the night of November 1, the date when, some say, the veil between the world of mortals and that of the immortals is opened; the night when communication with here and there is easier. It is also at night, when we cannot see, that we allow ourselves to feel in other ways, to believe in intuitions and empathies that, in the light of sight, we might not allow ourselves to. It is a performative object that makes everything that passes under it escape daytime logics and head for the Beyond.
- "La nit", a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 - Gen. 24). Foto: Roberto Ruíz.
- "La nit", a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 - Gen. 24). Foto: Roberto Ruíz.
- "La nit", a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 - Gen. 24). Foto: Roberto Ruíz.
- "La nit", a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 - Gen. 24). Foto: Roberto Ruíz.
- "La nit", a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 - Gen. 24). Foto: Roberto Ruíz.
- "La nit", a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 - Gen. 24). Foto: Roberto Ruíz.
- "La nit", a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 - Gen. 24). Foto: Roberto Ruíz.
- "La nit", a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, Nov. 23 - Gen. 24). Foto: Roberto Ruíz.
My infinite thanks: Pol Aregall, Alícia Casadessús, Bombon Projects (Joana Roda and Bernat Daviu) and Escola d’Arts Plàstiques de Torelló.
With the support of Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural, Generalitat de Catalunya.